All manufacturer’s coldhead systems serviced installed and tested by veteran MRI engineers

  • All parts available for all magnets
  • All engineering tools, supplies and gases provided with coldhead service
  • Equipment refurbished to highest industry standards
  • Standard industry warranty provided
  • No down time required for coldhead system service
  • Do all work after hours at no extra charge
  • Helium compressor maintenance and replacement service also available
  • Will troubleshoot high helium usage
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"Magnetech has proven to be well equipped and proficient in cryogen services. I appreciate the generous relief they have offered us in helium's unforgiving market.

They remain one of the few organizations that we can trust to take the same level of care that we would with our customers and equipment.

It is refreshing to be served by a company with a superior level of integrity, professionalism, and dedication to the satisfaction of their customers. "

− Mike McCormack SWMR Cryogen Manager